Videos Of The Month

What to Give up for Lent? | Best Things to Give up for Lenten Season
Welcome to our Lenten journey! We explore the age-old tradition of making sacrifices during Lent and offer practical tips for the season....
This is Where Christ is Born Today

Fr. Maurice Emelu Explore the different ways Christ is born in our hearts and lives, shining the bright light of saving grace in moments of trouble and human brokenness.

A History of Christmas | Bishop Barron
Michael Knowles sits down with Bishop Barron to explore the rich and intricate history of Christmas. ...
Understanding the True Meaning of Advent

Fr. Chris Alar explains what Advent really is, how to properly observe it, and what graces God wants to give us.

4 Essentials for Every Catholic - Father Mike Schmitz
 Fr. Mike said that all Catholics grow in the same “soil” together, but the fruit we bear is unique. But what is this common soil? What are the essentials for every Catholic Christian?...
The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist-Bishop Barron
For my keynote talk at the L.A. Religious Education Congress, I spoke about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Vatican II says that the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life....
Sacred Touch of Christ - No One Is an Outcast - Fr. Maurice Emelu
Do you sometimes feel like an outcast? Jesus showed us through His actions that no matter how dashing or unkempt a person may be, they deserve the utmost respect....
Being Christ to Others - Fr. Maurice Emelu »
We are given many gifts and charisms from the Lord, so that we can be Christ to others. We should use all of these to make our families, communities and workplaces, more joyful and fulfilling....
The Devil: Liar and Murderer »
Fr. Casey gives the second talk titled "The Devil: Liar and Murderer" covering the subject of the Devil and how he likes to spread the idea that he does not exist....
When Your Faith Is Put to the Test »
The ancient Israelites referred to it as the “Akedah,” which means the “binding”: Abraham binds and is ready to sacrifice Isaac at God’s command....

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