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Is this year’s Lent another season for “giving up” something?
When asked what Catholics are doing for Lent this year, they will probably mention giving up a favourite food, a beloved pastime, or anything else they cherish but isn't essential in their lives.
Many people, unfortunately, view Lent merely as…
Winning Family
Celebrate the coming of our Lord

As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, we need to reflect on our relationship with him. It is not an easy task for man to stay faithful to Christ especially when we consider the ups and downs of…

Our Faith
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is one of the most popular and important holy days in the liturgical calendar. Ash Wednesday opens Lent,…
Catholic Living
The Heavy Burdens We Carry
I have been thinking a great deal about my experience at Reconciliation this past Saturday. I felt an intense and…
Faith & Business
4 Ways To Optimise Your Lent Using Business Techniques
Catholic tradition sets aside the 40 days prior to Easter as a period of prayer, penance, and repentance. I typically…
Young & Catholic
Young People Need Quiet Time, Too!
Personal reflection can lead to prayer.
Do you ever feel like life is one constant whirlwind of noise and non-stop…
Tonic For The Soul
Fasting and Abstinence
It is a traditional doctrine of Christian spirituality that a constituent part of repentance, of turning away from sin and…
Sts. Perpetua and Felicity
Sts. Perpetua and Felicity were Christian martyrs who lived during the early persecution of the Church in…

Videos Of The Month

What to Give up for Lent? | Best Things to Give up for Lenten Season
Welcome to our Lenten journey! We explore the age-old tradition of making sacrifices during Lent and offer practical tips for the season....

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