Tonia O. Alabi
As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, we need to reflect on our relationship with him. It is not an easy task for man to stay faithful to Christ especially when we consider the ups and downs of life.
The year 2024 is an example for us. Each and every one of us, his faithfuls have experienced both the good times and bad times in the year. Whilst still rejoicing in our victories comes moments or news that will almost make us ask, "Where is thy face, Lord?"
Hmm, I cannot tell it all but what I know is that all through it all, I experience his presence, which kept me going. Steve and I and our children went through it all and this day am sure each one of us when asked will say our God has been faithful, holding us through it all. Yes, we still have one big family petition seemingly yet unanswered, we know our waiting will not or is not in vain. His time is soon to come. That is God's promise.
So, I do not know what you are waiting upon the Lord for, but I know his time is near. All we have to do is to keep faith and trust that God is perfecting our request that when the time is due, He would deliver. He kept His promise to give us a Saviour and He gave His only begotten son to die on the Cross that you and I may be saved. That promise took over 400 years to be fulfilled and our Fathers in faith waited.
Our Lord's coming is near, so prepare, rejoice and celebrate. Victory is ours soon, I believe, and I encourage you to believe too. The time may tarry but our Lords promise shall be fulfilled for we are winners in Christ. Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous 2025.
As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, we need to reflect on our relationship with him. It is not an easy task for man to stay faithful to Christ especially when we consider the ups and downs of…
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