In the recent Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae , the Holy Father John Paul II once more urged Christian families to pray in their home by reciting the Rosary: "We need to return to the practice of family prayer and prayer for families, continuing to use the Rosary" (n. 41). Already at the end of the Great Jubilee he had said: "it is especially necessary that listening to the word of God should become a life-giving encounter, in the ancient and ever valid tradition of lectio divina, which draws from the biblical text the living word which questions, directs and shapes our lives ... we must rekindle in ourselves the impetus of the beginnings and allow ourselves to be filled with the ardour of the apostolic preaching which followed Pentecost" ( Novo Millennio ineunte , nn. 39 and 40).
Domestic church
It is first of all a question of re-applying, if not in its form, certainly in its spirit, the living, fervent spiritual atmosphere that marked the meetings at home of the first Christian communities. Indeed, the first disciples, "went to the temple area together every day, while in their homes they broke bread ... praising God" (Acts 2,46). Through this witness, "day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved" (Acts 2,47).
This family dimension of prayer and Christian worship is rooted in the faith experience of the people of the Old Covenant, which has been inherited by the Christian community. Indeed, it is well known that the paschal supper was celebrated in the home, and was a family celebration.
The wave of secularization that has swept through the life of our communities in recent decades has brought a deep crisis, even in the context of the family, and hence in family prayer as an expression of communion and an indispensable source for the mission the family is called to carry out in the Church and in society.
Family prayer, use the Rosary
Confronted by this disturbing situation, pastors in recent centuries have not ceased to recommend the devout practice of the Rosary, which Pope Pius XII described as "the compendium of the entire Gospel", to implore the Lord, giver of all good things, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, Queen of the Rosary, for the gifts of faith and peace in families and among nations.
We know well how deeply rooted Marian devotion is in the heart of Peter's Successor. He placed his ministry under her protection, " Totus tuus ", and we know that the Rosary has a special place in his devotions. We are used to seeing him with the Rosary beads between his fingers. His desire is for the Rosary to become popular again, especially in families.
Rosary takes us to the heart of the faith
The Rosary, in its simplicity and depth, goes to the heart of Christian experience in the dialogue of faith expressed in prayer. It has a strong evangelizing impact. The members of the family can contemplate the central events at the heart of the faith through the mysteries. Now, we have the mysteries of light, in which we are invited to reflect on the wedding of Cana and on the beginning of a new family. We could say that in the Our Father and Hail Mary, we find a synthesis in which a dynamic, effective transmission of the faith passes through it that fortifies the experience of the family community in a special union that is a powerful aid because it is also stable and solid before the Lord of the Covenant.
With this Letter on the Rosary the Holy Father has touched the hearts of the faithful. Indeed, the recitation of the Rosary does not only "go to the very heart of Christian life, offering a familiar yet fruitful spiritual and educational opportunity for personal contemplation" (cf. n. 3), but also enables people to recover "the ability to look one another in the eye, to communicate, to show solidarity, to forgive one another and to see their covenant of love renewed in the spirit of God" (cf. n. 41).
Captures spiritual atmosphere
The recitation of the Rosary in the family captures something of the spiritual atmosphere of the household at Nazareth, "because its members place Jesus at the centre, they share his joys and sorrows, they place their needs and their plans in his hands, they draw from him the hope and the strength to go on" (n. 41). There, in fact, as Paul VI said on his pilgrimage to Nazareth, one learns "to be resolute in good thoughts, focused on the interior life and ready to understand clearly the secret inspirations of God and the exhortations of the true teachers" ( Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, II, 1964, p. 24).
Serves to neutralize widespread harmful trends
This prayer also serves to neutralize the most varied and disorienting messages and unpredictable experiences that are rapidly making their way into childrens' lives. These experiences are a source of anxiety to parents because young people are exposed to dangers while they are growing up.
Praying the Rosary is certainly a spiritual aid in finding the solution to many problems, and is a protection against many temptations and difficulties. As this Pontifical Council for the Family said in the Final Statement of the 15th Plenary Assembly , today we are living in a situation marked by "the fear of commitment, the practice of cohabitation, the triviliazation of sex ", as John Paul II has described it. "Life styles, women's fashions, films, TV sitcoms make people question the value of marriage and go so far as to spread the idea that the reciprocal gift of spouses until death would be unrealistic. They weaken the family institution and even manage to discredit it, to the advantage of other pseudo-family "models'" ( ORE, 20 November 2002, p. 9, II). Indeed, the same document deplores the "invasion of many areas of human activity by a radical individualism: economic life, excessive competition, competition in all fields of human activity, disregard of the marginalized, etc." ( ibid. ). In the face of these problems, prayer is a fundamental, indispensable response, the living witness of parents. As the Holy Father says in Familiaris consortio : "only by praying together with their children can a father and mother - exercising their royal priesthood - penetrate the innermost depths of their children's hearts and leave an impression that the future events in their lives will not be able to efface" (n. 60).
Family education
Though Christ has already come into the world, the Church invites us to renew our desire for the Lord more deeply in our lives and to renew our desire for Christ’s triumphant second coming into the world.
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